New Online Resource: Collection of the Museum für Islamische Kunst in Berlin

The Museum für Islamische Kunst in Berlin now provides access to more than 11.000 objects online on its website. This is a fundamental milestone in the accessibility of the museum collection and would not have been possible without the generosity of Yousef Jameel, Hon. LHD, a private supporter of the arts, education, and research. BetweenContinue reading “New Online Resource: Collection of the Museum für Islamische Kunst in Berlin”

Research Group: Research Network of Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies

The Red de Estudios Medievales Interdisciplinares is the result of a collaboration between scholars researching Medieval Art at various departments of the University of Compostela, other Galician and Portuguese universities and the Instituto de Estudos Gallegos “Padre Sarmiento” del CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas). The group welcomes scholars in Spain and abroad, and runs various research activities,Continue reading “Research Group: Research Network of Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies”