Zurbarán, Brussels

Francisco de Zurbarán (1598-1664), Palais des Beaux-Arts (BOZAR), Brussels, 29 January – 25 May 2014. Transferred from the Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara. It is the first large exhibition (12 rooms) on the artist to be held outside Spain since the 1988 survey shown in New York and Paris. It displays several major works from privateContinue reading “Zurbarán, Brussels”

ZURBARÁN: Master of Spain’s Golden Age

Exhibition The Bozar Centre for Fine Arts,Rue Ravenstein 33, 1000 Brussels Wed 29 January – Sun 25 May 2014 Santa Casilda, c.1635, oil on canvas, 171 x 107 cms, Museo Thyssen Bornemisza Madrid A Cup of Water and a Rose, c.1630, oil on canvas, 21 x 30 cms, National Gallery London   For more information see  http://www.bozar.be/activity.php?id=13203iContinue reading “ZURBARÁN: Master of Spain’s Golden Age”