‘The Conquest of Mexico and the most noble and loyal Mexico City’ (c. 1675-92), a Viceregal biombo (painted screen) on display at the Prado

On display at the Museo Nacional del Prado (Room 16) until 26 September 2021 under the title of The Invited Work is a masterpiece of Viceregal art, a painted screen or biombo from a private Madrid collection, showing The Conquest of Mexico and the most noble and loyal Mexico City (c. 1675-92). On one sideContinue reading “‘The Conquest of Mexico and the most noble and loyal Mexico City’ (c. 1675-92), a Viceregal biombo (painted screen) on display at the Prado”

Failed restoration of a copy of a Murillo painting makes headlines, once again raising the problem of insufficient regulation of art conservation in Spain

News outlets across the globe have shared the story of another failed restoration in Spain. The work was a copy of Murillo’s The Immaculate Conception of El Escorial, and the original remains unscathed at the Prado. It is important to note that the viral image above is slightly misleading, as it compares the two ‘restored’Continue reading “Failed restoration of a copy of a Murillo painting makes headlines, once again raising the problem of insufficient regulation of art conservation in Spain”

Casa Batlló, Barcelona: Restoration Project Open House, until 30 April 2019

Less than a month remains to go on a one-hour guided tour of Antoni Gaudí’s Casa Battló in Barcelona, covering its history and the recent renovation of architectural features and interior fittings, such as lighting, windows and hangings. The visit also offers the opportunity to walk along the ‘Pasarela’ at 30 metres above ground level.Continue reading “Casa Batlló, Barcelona: Restoration Project Open House, until 30 April 2019”

Casa Vicens, a home designed by Gaudí, now open to the public in Barcelona

The first home designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí has recently opened to the public. Built between 1883 and 1885 as a summer house for the Vicens family, it is a masterpiece of riotous colour in an eclectic neo-moorish style. After over a century of transformations at the hands of various different owners, the World HeritageContinue reading “Casa Vicens, a home designed by Gaudí, now open to the public in Barcelona”