Upcoming ARTES Trip: Visit to Valladolid and Madrid

ARTES is excited to plan an enthralling short trip to Spain in early December to visit two major exhibitions: One monographic shjow at the Museo Nacional de Escultura in Valladolid, dedicated to the Baroque Sculptor Luisa Roldán (1652-1706), and the other to a major show on sculpture at the Museo Nacional del Prado: Hand inContinue reading “Upcoming ARTES Trip: Visit to Valladolid and Madrid”

ARTES-CEEH Scholarships for Spanish PhDs, 2023: Scholarship Report

ARTES-CEEH Scholarship for Spanish PhDs, Report: Emma Luisa Cahill Marrón, University of Murcia (FULL REPORT) Portraiture, Gender, and the Construction of the Image of Power in the Formation of the Royal Collection and the Prado Museum This project studies the formation of the Spanish and British royal collections with a special emphasis on portraiture andContinue reading “ARTES-CEEH Scholarships for Spanish PhDs, 2023: Scholarship Report”

2023 ARTES-CEEH Scholarship Reports

ARTES is delighted to share the ARTES-CEEH Scholarship Reports of the 2023 recipients. As always, these scholarships are generously supported with the aid of CEEH (Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica). Further information on our annual scholarships can be found here. 2023 ARTES-CEEH UK PhD Scholarship Report ARTES-CEEH UK PhD Scholarship Report | Daniela Castro Ruiz,Continue reading “2023 ARTES-CEEH Scholarship Reports”

ARTES-CEEH Travel Scholarship Report | Helena Santidrián Mas, Courtauld Institute of Art

ARTES is delighted to share Helena Santidrián Mas’s report of her research trip, funded by the ARTES-CEEH Travel Scholarship. In the months of March and April 2023, thanks to the ARTES/CEEH Travel Scholarship, Iwas able to visit some of the key sites for my postgraduate dissertation titled “An Annunciationfrom the Museo de la Catedral deContinue reading “ARTES-CEEH Travel Scholarship Report | Helena Santidrián Mas, Courtauld Institute of Art”

ARTES-CEEH UK PhD Scholarship Report | Daniela Castro Ruiz, Durham University

ARTES is delighted to share Daniela Castro Ruiz’s report of her work, funded by the ARTES-CEEH UK PhD Scholarship. Thanks to the generous scholarship provided by ARTES-CEEH, I had the opportunity to explore various libraries and archives across the United Kingdom. This enabled the analysis of several natural history illuminations and illustrations, facilitating a deeperContinue reading “ARTES-CEEH UK PhD Scholarship Report | Daniela Castro Ruiz, Durham University”

ARTES-CEEH Spanish PhD Scholarship Report | Emma Luisa Cahill Marrón, University of Murcia

ARTES is delighted to share Emma Luisa Cahill Marrón’s report of her work, funded by the ARTES-CEEH Scholarship for Spanish PhDs. The ARTES-CEEH Spanish PhD Scholarship was a wonderful opportunity to research portraiture, gender, and the construction of the image of power in the beginning of the Spanish and English royal collections. It enabled meContinue reading “ARTES-CEEH Spanish PhD Scholarship Report | Emma Luisa Cahill Marrón, University of Murcia”

ARTES-CEEH Travel Scholarship Report | Megan Smith, Durham University

ARTES is delighted to share Megan Smith’s report of her research trip, funded by the CEEH/ARTES Travel Scholarship. Thanks to the generous funding of the ARTES-CEEH Travel Scholarship, I was able to travel to several sites in Spain in late March-early April of this year to carry out research for my undergraduate dissertation, which focusesContinue reading “ARTES-CEEH Travel Scholarship Report | Megan Smith, Durham University”


Date: 18th August, 2023. ARTES would like to share a reminder of our up-coming visit to Bishop Auckland. ARTES is organising a long-overdue visit to The Spanish Gallery and Bishop Auckland Castle on Friday 18th August. The visit will coincide with a lecture being given on the Spanish Gallery’s sculpture collection by ARTES President Dr Holly Trusted,Continue reading “ARTES VISIT TO BISHOP AUCKLAND, COUNTY DURHAM – 18th August, 2023”

The ARTES Travel Scholarship for Artists

ARTES is delighted to announce a new annual scholarship of £1000 to enable artists to travel to Spain, Portugal or Hispano/Lusophone regions. Priority will be given to artists whose own work engages creatively with the rich and distinctive visual cultures of Iberia and Latin America, and we are looking especially for candidates who have curiosity,Continue reading “The ARTES Travel Scholarship for Artists”

CONFIRMED SCHEDULE – Up-coming ARTES Visit to New York City, 2023

Dates: Sunday, 9th July – Thursday, 13th July, 2023 ARTES is pleased to share the confirmed schedule and visits during the upcoming trip, planned by our President, Dr. Holly Trusted. Join us! Please find the confirmed timetable below. Confirmed Schedule Sunday 9th July – Visit at 11 am El Museo del Barrio. Monday 10th JulyContinue reading “CONFIRMED SCHEDULE – Up-coming ARTES Visit to New York City, 2023”