The Maius Workshop Returns! 24th November 2020, 5pm, on Zoom

The Maius Workshop is back virtually for the 2020–21 academic year! Please join us for an informal welcome meeting, which will take place on Tuesday 24th November 2020, at 5:00 p.m. on Zoom. This event is open to anyone interested in Hispanic cultures, widely considered: literature and language, history, geography, art and visual culture, medicalContinue reading “The Maius Workshop Returns! 24th November 2020, 5pm, on Zoom”

Third meeting of the Maius Workshop: ‘Inside and Outside Geographical Boundaries,’ March 13, 6–7:30, Room G21A, Senate House, London

The Maius Workshop’s Second Meeting: Sacred Encounters, 11 December 2017 6-7:30pm, The Courtauld Institute of Art

The Maius Workshop is an interdisciplinary group that brings together graduate students and early-career scholars dealing with Hispanic art (broadly considered to include literature, theatre, music, etc.) and history from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period. The Maius Workshop is kindly supported by ARTES. The first meeting of the Maius Workshop took place inContinue reading “The Maius Workshop’s Second Meeting: Sacred Encounters, 11 December 2017 6-7:30pm, The Courtauld Institute of Art”

The Maius Workshop’s first meeting: report

The first meeting of the Maius Workshop took place last Monday, 16 October, at the Warburg Institute. It was a well-attended event where we presented the aims of the research group, discussed our shared interests and needs and shared ideas about the most useful format for future sessions. The Maius Workshop aims to bring togetherContinue reading “The Maius Workshop’s first meeting: report”

Introducing the Maius Workshop

The Maius Workshop is an interdisciplinary group that brings together graduate students and early career scholars dealing with Hispanic art (broadly considered to include literature, theatre, music, etc.) and history from the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period. The aim of the Maius Workshop is to encourage dialogue among specialists in different stages ofContinue reading “Introducing the Maius Workshop”

Research Group: Research Network of Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies

The Red de Estudios Medievales Interdisciplinares is the result of a collaboration between scholars researching Medieval Art at various departments of the University of Compostela, other Galician and Portuguese universities and the Instituto de Estudos Gallegos “Padre Sarmiento” del CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas). The group welcomes scholars in Spain and abroad, and runs various research activities,Continue reading “Research Group: Research Network of Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies”