ARTES/CEEH Scholarship Report: Carter Lyon

With the generous support of the ARTES-CEEH PhD Scholarship, I conducted a research trip to Madrid in September 2022. This informed my work on the methods and materials of the Spanish scholar-artist Vicente Carducho (c. 1576-1638), whose Self Portrait (c.1633-38) and treatise Diálogos de la Pintura (1633) are at the core of my PhD thesis.Continue reading “ARTES/CEEH Scholarship Report: Carter Lyon”

ARTES CEEH Travel Scholarship Report: Material Culture of the Arab/Berber Conquest: Excavations at the fortress of Zorita Castle and Surveying the Museums of the thaghr al-awsaṭ, Sarah Slingluff (PhD Candidate, University of Edinburgh)

Covid-19 threw a wrench in so many projects, including my planned trip the summer of 2020 to Zorita Castle and the museums of central Spain.  Thanks to the flexibility of the ARTES CEEH Travel Scholarship, I postponed my research to this past summer, and spent the greater part of July 2021 basking in the opportunityContinue reading “ARTES CEEH Travel Scholarship Report: Material Culture of the Arab/Berber Conquest: Excavations at the fortress of Zorita Castle and Surveying the Museums of the thaghr al-awsaṭ, Sarah Slingluff (PhD Candidate, University of Edinburgh)”

ARTES Coll & Cortés Travel Scholarship report: Pablo Ordás (PhD, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2017)

My name is Pablo Ordás and I was granted an ARTES Coll & Cortés Travel Scholarship to conduct research in the UK. Thanks to this scholarship I was able to spend three weeks (22/10/2018–10/11/2018) at The British Library, researching Spanish manuscripts closely related to my previous PhD research, dedicated to ‘The Gothic Cloister in the KingdomContinue reading “ARTES Coll & Cortés Travel Scholarship report: Pablo Ordás (PhD, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2017)”

ARTES Coll & Cortés Travel Scholarship report: Sylvia Alvares-Correa (PhD Candidate, University of Oxford)

By Sylvia Alvares-Correa The generous award funds provided by ARTES Coll&Cortes allowed me to travel to Lisbon to investigate the transmission of Flemish art, designs, and techniques to Portugal in the late medieval period, on which my PhD research is based. The trip fortuitously overlapped with the exhibition ‘The Islands of White Gold, Art CommissionsContinue reading “ARTES Coll & Cortés Travel Scholarship report: Sylvia Alvares-Correa (PhD Candidate, University of Oxford)”

ARTES Coll&Cortes travel scholarship report: Ana Dias, PhD Candidate at Durham University

The ARTES Coll&Cortes travel scholarship granted me the opportunity to travel to Spain to examine three illustrated copies of Beatus of Liébana’s Commentarium in Apocalypsin (generally known as Beatus) on which my doctoral thesis is grounded. My research concerns the production, illumination and impact of the Beatus manuscripts, with particular focus on the analysis ofContinue reading “ARTES Coll&Cortes travel scholarship report: Ana Dias, PhD Candidate at Durham University”

ARTES Travel Scholarship Report: Maria Teresa Chicote Pompanin

Thanks to the generosity of ARTES and Coll y Cortés, I was awarded a Travel Scholarships which gave me the opportunity to carry out field research in Spain during the Spring and Summer Terms of the academic year 2016-2017. Even if I was based in Madrid, my research was often conducted outside the capital andContinue reading “ARTES Travel Scholarship Report: Maria Teresa Chicote Pompanin”

Prize-Giving Ceremony at the Wallace Collection, 29 June 2017

On Thursday 29 June ARTES celebrated the winners of its annual scholarships and of the Juan Facundo Riaño Essay Prize with a ceremony held at the Wallace Collection in London. The Collection’s director Xavier Bray and Carmen Brieva Rodriguez from the Cultural Office of the Spanish Embassy joined the celebration. ARTES started offering travel andContinue reading “Prize-Giving Ceremony at the Wallace Collection, 29 June 2017”